Morning detox to stay fit and healthy after a binge drinking night
We all have been there, when that last round of cocktail seems like a great idea, then you wake up realizing mistakes were made. Maybe it was that last cocktail or the countless tequila shots.
We’ll never know the culprit 😉, but a healthy morning regime can do wonders.
Yes, there are times when you really should opt for bed over the healthy morning routine, but let me tell you, if you go step by step on this routine, you’ll feel wonders and this will definitely be your mantra after every party night.
1.Embrace the electrolytes:
The first and most important thing after a night of binge drinking is to drink lots of water, and drinks which are high in electrolytes. Some of the handy options are coconut water, watermelon juice, berry smoothies and sports drinks (Gatorade).
2.Have a nice breakfast:
You would not want to miss a healthy breakfast (though we know breakfast would happen at lunch time 😜) as it will prepare you for the long day ahead. Now of course no one wants to cook with a hangover. But as the greasy outside food is a big NO, here are some of the easiest breakfast ideas which you can prepare in minutes.
-Egg and whole wheat toast
-Banana and blueberry oatmeal bowl
-Banana almond smoothie
-whole wheat toast with veggies
-vegetable omelette
3.Avoid the acids
We all want to grab a glass full of orange/lemon juice in the morning after a drink binge. As much as you think it’ll feel good it’s better to stay away from citrus drinks/fruits as it can irritate your sensitive stomach even more.
4.Go for a light workout
You might not feel like moving, but having a light workout or going for a run is very beneficial.
During workouts the endorphins released in sweat is the key. Alcohol is a depressant and depletes the body of serotonin. When you wake up the next morning, you’ll be full of cravings, especially ones in the form of naps, burgers, and cola. However, these are just temporary fixes and could have negative, long term impacts especially if you have fitness goals you want to achieve.
5.Drink green tea/coffee thought out the day
However, opt for green tea in the morning and avoid coffee as highly caffeinated drinks can further aggravate an upset stomach, and dehydrate your body. Green tea is a much better alternative for a morning drink.
You can drink coffee after your workout or lunch. It takes about 15 to 30 minutes for you to feel the effect of the caffeine, and the benefit will last for three to four hours.
If you plan strategically to use the caffeine every few hours, you can keep yourself at a pretty good level of performance throughout the day.
Hope this helps 😉
Feel free to comment what works best for you, or your favourite morning hacks after an all-nighter.
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